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Saturday, August 27, 2005


You know, normally I'd avoid 'cause of all the freaky people who pretend to be Harry Potter or Indiana Jones. But this particular page takes the cake.

CondorMan! Away!

Some memorable quotes:

"Who I'd like to meet:anything on 2 legs"

"i'm handsome, cut and sensitive.....and i'm so desperate! :( "

"One time, I was just trying to help the Inuits by setting up a local industry, and Eskimo Man tried to stop me!! How DARE he?! They needed that fur factory! I mean, what were those baby seals gonna do otherwise? It's not like I was skinning people alive and then beating their skinless carcass, now was I? "

"It's inside all of us, unless you're some kinda robot, in which case, you're a heartless monster. Yes, I'm talking to you, Tobor! YOU'RE A HEARTLESS BEAST!! YOU CAN"T FEEL LOVE, DAMMIT! Once people realize this, it will be easy to destroy the machines in the great wars to come. Like CondorManX-treme! Go see that movie, BTW. GO SEE IT NOW!!"


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