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Thursday, November 10, 2005


Well, I am a calm, cool guy. I like to think I give everything a shot. Heck, I sat through all the Star Wars prequels, a lecture on the discussion on the mention of the talk concerning Katrina, and War and Peace. So, when I say that I HATE THIS PROGRAM, THAT MEANS THAT IT WENT ONE TIME TOO MUCH.

The program being, of course, Mozilla Firefox.

Yes, Firefox.

Reel in the dogs of war, Mozilla faithful. For one, this is just me, and you can rant and rave and scream till you are blue in the face and I have to call an ambulance for you, and I still hate firefox. Just hear me out before the flames begin, because it's not like I didn't give it enough f***ing chances in the first place.

Well, in case you didn't figure it out, I downloaded and used Mozilla for a while. These past two months, to be exact. And at first, all was good. It worked, it had a built in pop-up blocker, tabbed browsing, a TON of settings (good for me, I happen to like control over letting the thing run itself), and a whole lot more that I am skipping over or forgetting. Surely, I thought, I cannot imagine the reason people do not use this all the time. Well, I was asking for it...

The first annoying thing was Timing out. If you've never run Firefox, let me explain. Mozilla apparantly felt it very important to just cut the attempt to access a site if a certain amount of time passes. So, if you're trying to hit Yahoo, and it takes more than thirty seconds, it "times out". Well, I understand the intentions behind it. It's annoying when Internet Explorer spends eighteen hours connecting to a dead site. I understand that Mozilla was trying to avoid this situation. However, I looked everywhere, and THERE IS NO WAY TO OVERRIDE IT. You heard me right. Let's say you like a site that is noturiously laggy. Forget using Mozilla. It'll time you out so much, you might as well attempt to drill a hole through your cranium and just shove a cable into your brain. I could not find a single place to override this sometimes annoying feature.

Now, to be fair, I didn't go to the help forums, I didn't ask anyone for help concerning this. So part of it is just me being stubborn. I can excuse you somewhat for calling me on this, because I really should have asked someone about the timing out crap. And in retrospect, it's probably something really easy to fix. But damn, was it REALLY ANNOYING.

So, I dealt with it. I liked and enjoyed all of the other features. Everything goes along smoothly...

...until I tried playing some videos for one of the many assignments in school. And I discovered that, for some odd reason, Firefox wanted to use Quicktime. For everything. Thus, all flash movies, hell, everything bugged out. It was like a giant, blank, error message world. I looked through all the options and what not. Nothing happened. It seemed as if one day, Firefox wanted to use quicktime, and refused to remove it's greedy little claws.

Then it deleted all of my bookmarks. All of them. I still don't know why the HELL that happened. No, i have no viruses, spyware, hackers, etc. that could have destroyed my bookmarks but left all of my other systems intact (like that'd ever happen). So, my bookmarks were all gone, my browser refused to use any kind of quicktime, and all the while I felt the irrational urge to chuck my computer off the roof of my 17-story dormitory more and more.

At this point, even I recognized the need for help. So, on to the Mozilla support. Well, http:// is the place to go. Take a look. I'll wait. Back? Enjoy that maze of tech support? Me neither. All I wanted was a stupid help forum. I can find what I need. I don't need a million and one alternatives or mirror sites or any other CRAP. Let me list this den of crap:

1) Release notes Oh joy, pages and pages of tech jargon. Just what'll solve the problem! Not. I actually took a look to make sure I wasn't going to get any help from this crap. Tons and tons of "Fixed loop hole that allowed the G key to cancel something" or "patched the uninstaller". I DON"T HAVE THESE PROBLEMS!

2) Forums Ah, just what I was looking for. Too bad the actual staff of these forums have the collective IQ of a grapefruit, mindlessly repeated the same "release notes" over and over again. That's ignoring the million or so morons that post "I downloaded 'downloadMozilla.exe' and it did not autorun. What do i do!?!11" or "Mozilla has to be downloaded?!11". I told the helper that he needed to stop reading the release notes and sit down and help me. Well, I got promptly banned. Guess if you call them on their stupidity, that is a no-no. God forbid help be dispersed on the help forums.

3) One of many offsite help pages Well, the final option, short of downloading IRC which I don't have and talking directly to a Mozilla dude which probably wouldn't help, is going to these web pages that are off site, and hope they answer your question. Well, I ACTUALLY FOUND THE ANSWER, after crawling through everything else. It suggested that I uninstall all my flash, shockwave, quicktime, mozilla, and real player, and reinstall them in a certain order ( I didn't bother reading on to find out the specifc order).

You may be asking why I still hate Mozilla. Here is why:

Anytime you suggest that you need to un- and re- install something, you've lost. Totally lost. Don't hand me that "it happens to all programs" shit. Let's compare it to Internet Explorer, which Mozilla is supposed to 'improve' upon. IE never crashed, never had to be un- and re- installed, and never deleted my bookmarks, and never timed out either. It did what I wanted it to do. Sure, it may not have tabbed browsing or a built in pop-up blocker, and it may be the "Establishment and Evil Monopoly", but at least it always works. It's like comparing the US postal service to using Instant Messanger. The postal service always works, even if it is the government and slow. IM only gets people if they are even on, and even then could crash (I know mine does at least five times a day).

And that is why I hate Firefox. It has a lot of spiffy options, but that didn't impress me in the slightest. It's like being impressed with a stripped down Mercedes that has a gold plated steering wheel. Pretty, but useless and stupid. IE may be a jalopy, but it's a reliable one. For me at least.

Well, that's my beef with it anyway. You're entitled to your own opinion, blah blah blah... Whatever. I need to go and uninstall FireFox now, so if you'll excuse me...


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