Another week, another Call of Duty thang. This week we explore the fascinating world of the Garand, arguably one of the game's better rifles.
Now, one selling point that the Garand has against it is it's perceived lack of accuracy, making it seem as if bolt actions such as the Kar or Mosin are superior. Which is what we're testing today. We're going to try our hand at becoming unscoped snipers with the Garand.
Now, the first thing to keep in mind is that while the boltys fire one shot at a time, the Garand is semi-auto, meaning it'll fire as fast as you pull the trigger. And as anyone will tell you, if you don't let the rifle sit between shots, its overall accuracy will decrease. A common habit for relatively new people to do when first using the Garand is the habit to just pour lead out like a chemistry set. THIS IS WRONG. If you want to hit a target, the best stragety is to just let the rifle cool for a few secs, and THEN fire again. It allows the sites to readjust.
That said, We took the Garand on a test. Separated by about 40 meters, we aimed the Garand at the head of the target. POW. One shot, one kill. Just like any other rifle, or any other gun, for that matter.
So we increased the distance to 60 meters. This time, it took two shots to kill the target. And beyond 60 meters, it still required two shots. In fact, no matter how far, it took at most two shots. The limiting factor was the sight distance and, of course, the skill of the shooter.
So one can reasonably say that with practice and skill, the Garand rifle can be as deadly if not deadlier than the other rifles in the game. It can be stated that around 50 meters away, you will need to use two bullets to kill a target, which is reasonable.
As for how the Garand acquired it's reputation? My bets are on people who just didn't want to invest time and energy in practicing with the Garand, and also to people who, used to the Kar's bolt action, did not allow the sites on the Garand to readjust. Kinda like the MG sprint case last week, where the adjustment to the sites was required.
And that this week's Call of Duty tales.