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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Taking this week off to work up a buffer of sorts, because school work is starting to kill me. Also, finals are coming up again.

The good news is that it's the start of the story, anyway, so consider it a cliffhanger of sorts.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Good And Bad News

Ok, let's go good news first. I'll be able to manage to shove a strip up on the regular 3 a day schedule. It's managable for me at this time.

The Bad news is that it's extremely likely few will be colored, if any. It just takes too freakin' long sometimes, which is time I don't have. It's not going to be like the original strips, but don't expect anything like I've recently been putting out.

Just an update in case you're wondering what the hell's going on.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Old Ways...

Comicgen has a new way to update. Instead of using a ftp program to upload a picture, and then updating, you can use a nifty litttle device that uploads and posts the comic in one fell swoop.

But, I haven't used it once. I don't particularly like it much. I liked using SmartFTP to upload everything, and THEN going and updating the page. Using FTP made me feel like I'd accomplished something, that I had most definitely updated beyond all doubt. Now... I feel like I could throw anything up there real quick, and it'd be the same. I feel like it cheapens the process somehow.

I suppose it does attract newcomers, though. More people will sign up because it's easier and simpler than before. But still...

Anyway, I guess the entire thing is a moot point anyway, since Comicgen supports both methods. Eh, whatever.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Been a while...

So... it's been a while since Pylon's been updating. It looks like we're back in the clear. I removed the stinking pile that was the tagboard, I fixed the glitch where the Keenspot brand wasn't on the page, I've been messing with actually hand inking the strips (it don't look too pretty, but cut me some slack, I'm still playing around with it), and the update ftp on Comicgen is finally healthy again.

So, it looks like everything's gonna turn out alright.

So, all you people who were worried that Pylon was ending (all 3 of you), relax. Barring the apocalypse and the four horsemen riding in on a golden chariot while the universe collapses into a gigantic black hole, it'll be updating.

Now, any bets on how long this lasts?
Of course, here is the comic that spawned this blog.